Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Ups and Downs on the Roller Coaster of My life

It is Tuesday and it has already been an up and down ride on the coaster of life. Funny how that works. 

So today 8/14/12 was visit the orthopedic foot and ankle specialist for both my son Andy and myself. This was a fairly positive event because I got my cast off and graduated into a boot. The worst part of getting the cast off is I am SO TICKLISH! The ortho tech was surprised at my reaction to the cast saw. . . namely I can't sit still and I yelp! Once off the view of my leg which had been trapped for 3 weeks was so not pretty. Xrays showed that the break  is healing well and I am allowed to be in a boot rather than a cast for the next 4 weeks and will follow up with PT. Even more good news I can go back to swimming tomorrow!!!! Yeah! 

Andy got some ok news... not great but not rushing into surgery which is what we thought was going to have to happen. He has arthritis and two of his bones in his right foot are 50% bone on bone. This can be dealt with for  a while but he will eventually need to have the ankle fused. He wants to wait a while to see what is happening with Susie's job, since she learned there will be cut backs to the Respiratory department at the hospital. So he is going to try to cope for a  while longer and then get it fixed. 

I emailed my hip surgeon's PA last week with all my questions regarding the possibility of a total hip replacement. She emailed me yesterday with answers to all my concerns and I now have a date scheduled for my surgery (LTHR =left total hip replacement)  which will now be 12/4/12. I really like that date... seems like it is an auspicious date. I won't know the scheduled time until the week before surgery. I am coming to grips with the idea that I might as well just get it fixed now! 

I even joined a new group on Facebook called Young Total Hips. . . a group for people under 50 who have had or are having a total hip replacement. It looks like they will be a great resource and are already an inspiration. One guy on there posted a pic of him on a hike 3 months and 9 days post op, and they hiked 10 miles that day! Wow I am impressed. I am looking forward to great results and have to get back to the gym and swim and get my muscles all ready for this surgery. Here is a link to the approach the surgeon is planning on using. http://www.newhipnews.com/patient/index.html

I like that it has a faster recovery time than a conventional approach. And since I only have 8 weeks left of our allowed short term disability I am concerned about getting back to work ASAP. 

I am still not sleeping well due to waking up in pain but I am hoping that this will solve 60% of my issues! I still need to get my shoulder fixed as well but that has to wait, I have lived with shoulder pain for 20 years a few more months will not make a difference. 

Back into the pool tomorrow...strengthening my muscles...gotta get them all ready for 12/4/12.

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