Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My mind is a whirling

Today I had a follow up visit with my Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. E. I was really happy to have this scheduled as I have been having a lot of trouble with my hip. It has been acting up since the beginning of June and it is getting worse. I am limping again and the weight of the cast and the instability of the walking shoe are not helping matters in the least.

So after talking to the PA and the research assistant who is running the study on hip arthroscopy's my doctor came in and checked me out. He looked over the MRI that was done in June and is not happy with what he sees in the image. There is a ton of fluid around the ball of the femur as well as several pockets of something. Hard to tell what it may be but the Radiologist listed several possibilities all of which are meaningless without going in and visualizing the joint up close.

Dr. E. feels that it is most likely damaged cartilage and gave me 2 options. The first is to have another hip arthroscopy which would be another 50,000$ surgery, in which he may not be able to fix the problem if it is really damaged cartilage and/or damaged bone. The second is to get a Total hip replacement. 
Because of the history of PVNS and knowing that most people who have the disease as well do better once the joint is replaced I am leaning towards the replacement. 

Of course I had my freak out in the car on the way home and a pity party at home... ate lots of chocolate and ice cream. Now the pity party is over and I must make a decision. I did some research on the joint that he uses and it is definitely the type that I have read about being a better hip replacement. He uses the Stryker Accolade joint and it is a ceramic ball and a polyethylene cup. Some of the things I have read indicate with proper care (not jogging playing tennis etc) I could get up to 20 years with this joint.

So my big concern now is when to schedule this. . . I already used 8 weeks for the arthroscopy in January and FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) allows for up to 12 weeks off work. My job gives up to 4 months off and if we are out more than 6 they will post our jobs. 

So here is the thing. . . I know that with my hip the way it is I can't keep doing this job. Once I have the hip replaced will I be able to drive the long distances?  Will my job even be available to me when I am recovered? 

The strangest thing about all this is other than my joint problems I actually feel better and stronger than I have ever felt. I used to be severely anemic and had 12 IV rounds of Venofer to pump me up. Since then I have gotten my hormone levels correct and I feel great. I just can't move like I want to... which blows.

Decisions, decisions, decisions. . . 

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