Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy Dance

I can stop worrying! YAY! 

I got a call from my Human Resources office yesterday and found out that I have 17 weeks of short term disability left for this year. This is AWESOME news since I thought I only had 8 weeks and I know I will most likely need more than that for the hip replacement this December.

On top of this happy news when I called my boss to let him know the good news. I mentioned how worried I had been that I was going to lose my job because I needed surgery. His response was even if he had to terminate me due to going over the allotted time he would have held my job open for me! Whoot this is amazing! So here I have had myself in a dither for nothing. It is nice to hear such things from the boss. 

So now my panic and fears can be put to rest and I can work on getting stronger before the surgery. I went to the pool on Weds and Thursday and tried to swim. Unfortunately the kicking motion you need to use to swim freestyle is too hard on my ankle at present. I was able to swim on my back a few laps just using my arms. I also did a few laps of leg exercises, high knee lifts, side steps. On Thursday I wore my air cast into the pool to support the ankle which made a big difference. I also used these foam dumb bells which don't look like they would be of much use but when you hold them under the surface of the water they provide a resistance that is quite useful in muscle strengthening. I will be swimming again soon...This is not going to stop me!


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