Monday, March 3, 2014

Time flys and a Doc who was willing to listen to me!

It has been quite some time since I popped into Blogger and updated everyone on my progress.

As I mentioned the OS (Orthopedic Surgeon) I had for my scope and my hip replacement in 2012 sent me to get a 2nd opinion and that OS docs office was not useful and did absolutely nothing for me. I went to see the OS who did my shoulder surgery in August and asked him if he had a partner who did hips and could take a look at my hip issues. I ended up scheduling an appointment for 11/20/13. I was VERY impressed with this new guy and his staff. He listened carefully to my questions and concerns and even accepted the article that I had printed out regarding Illiopsoas impingement issues. He and his intern both asked me what my work experience was and were surprised when I told them I worked on equipment. They both commented that they were impressed because I sounded very knowledgeable I was about PVNS. The new guy agreed with doc #2 who wanted me to have an injection into the groin done under Xray. I agreed to give it a try.

Three days later I got a call from the hospital letting me know that I was on the schedule for an injection at the local hospital and the time I should appear the next day. Yes that is correct just 4 days after seeing OS#3 I was having the injection. I arrived at the hospital at the expected time with my mom as an escort. . . just in case I had my normal weird vaso vegal response to the injection. All went well and in less than an hour I was injected and sent on my way.

The goal of the injection was to hopefully to eliminate the pain by reducing the inflammation by injecting a steroid directly into the tendon sheath. If the steroid worked and my pain went away then it would be clear that the issue is not mechanical and there would be no need to proceed with a revision. If it did not help with in  a few days then it would be clear that the injection had failed. I waited 2 weeks and then placed a call to the doc's office to let them know there was no reduction in pain. Well nothing lasting any way. They used an anesthetic with the steroid so the first day I was somewhat pain free but by the next day it was back.

I received a call back from the office and an appointment was scheduled with the doc to discuss my options. In that appointment we agreed that it was time to get some relief to the pain and the only real option was to open up the hip and either cut the tendon or to do a revision. In my mind cutting the tendon was like placing a bandaide on a seeping wound but not finding why it was seeping. Not an answer to what is causing the problem. I told him I did not want that and we talked about the revision and what that would entail and how he would be doing it. I agreed to the plan and then discussed open dates with the scheduler.

So 12/31/13 was selected as the open date for surgery and I was grateful to get it in in this year since my deductable was long since met!

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