Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Random thoughts ~ How does one draw the lines on a Map?

Today I got fixated on the potential of the USA to crumble. Historically no political power has lasted much longer than 200 years and the USA is now a 237 year old democracy. What are the odds that it will remain in tact?

The trigger for this train of thought was a video I saw this morning of a 5 yr old genius who was being interviewed by Jimmy Kimmel. This young man can name every country and its capital and explain how and when the countries changed. Quite an amazing feat, I can barely keep the states in the USA straight let alone name all 196 countries of the world. Check him out...  Jimmy quizzes this boy on different countries in hopes to trip him up and Arden quickly proves that he is just that good. So one of the countries used to be Yugoslavia which is now been broken into 7 different countries Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo and he could name where and when it all changes. 

What is holding the USA together? The discontent and vitriol that is coming out this year in the political battles makes me wonder if a break up of the USA is imminent. As each side draws the battle lines and refuses to give an inch it proves yet again that inflexibility is the down fall of countries and political powers.

The shear size of the USA leads one to suspect that ruling such a large piece of property is unmanageable.  Maybe if it ever splits up we could ship all people with the same political beliefs to the same location. Ultra right wingers here... moderates here.... centrists here... moderate liberals here... ultra left wing here.... dividing the country yet again.

Sadly the people don't think for themselves and are totally yanked around by the strings of the media puppet masters. I think people need to make the effort to hear all sides and not just focus on the programming that supports their political bent. I personally find it difficult to tune into a conservative show and really struggle not to open my mouth and shout at the TV when I am in a room full of people who are believing what is being said.

It is easier said than done to be open minded when the media outlets in the USA cater to one side or the other and even though many claim to be "fair and balanced" reporting it is obvious that they have an agenda. This is why I turn to news from the BBC to get an opinion with no political leaning. . . at least in regard to the USA, it is possible that they do show a particular leaning in the UK in regards to their political structure.

Any way. . .

Where was I ... maps and recreating the world. I am curious to see how this experiment of democracy will play out. If one were to believe Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged the socialists come in and steal from the capitalists and ruin America. Many people feel that this is the way the Democratic party is heading and  we are on a course to prove her story true. Where will we be if this occurs. .  . Will USA break apart into smaller countries like Russia did? Will the South rebel again and start another civil war?

I for one have no predictions as to where we are heading and I am tired of all the angry people in Washington who shut down the government in an effort to get their way with NO thought to how it will affect the people of the country. They congress in general and John Boehner in particular are acting like bullies in the school yard and their antics are putting a black eye on the USA and the government.

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