Thursday, November 7, 2013


I am getting so frustrated with the hip issues I am still having after having a LTHR last December. I am having intense groin pain and some milder outer thigh pain. I actually had to get the cane out the other day and start using it again.

And to top everything off my normal OS refuses to see me now. He suggested a month or more ago that I go see another doc for a second opinion and now they are not willing to see me. I followed his advice because I know that the PVNS may or may not have returned and it never hurts to get advice from someone else. The lady who scheduled the appointment said that I should bring my surgical reports for both my hip surgeries and any Xrays or MRI's that I have had done.

I saw the new doc on 10/9 and he was nice and listened attentively to what I had to say. He did not EVER ask to see the films even though I told him I had them ready for him to look at. So frustrating!!! He did say that he would be in contact with my normal OS and they were tag teaming for my treatment.
The day of the visit he came to the conclusion that my pain was Illiopsoas tendonitis and Bursitis and he injected the Bursa while I was there with .9cc of anesthetic and .1 cc of Kenalog. He said that if it did not help they would schedule me for a series of  injections along the groin which would be done under Xray.

So of course that wee bitty amount of steroid did nothing and I called and scheduled the injection for 10/18. When I arrived and was taken to the treatment room they had an ultrasound machine sitting there and 1 needle/syringe. When I questioned the nurse I was told that was how they did the "deep injections." I know damn good and well that a deep injection is used when they inject steroids directly into the hip joint. And since I have an implant there was no way I was letting them try it that way. The nurse went and got the PA who was scheduled to do the injection and he came in and listened to my concerns and said that since this was not what I was told was being done they would call the doc's scheduler and get it rescheduled. We walked straight to the desk together and he explained to the woman there what we needed which she clearly conveyed to the doc's scheduler/nurse.

This has been so frustrating because they have now had 3 weeks to get it scheduled and still nothing. I called last week and spoke to the scheduler/nurse and explained again what was going on and why I did not have the injection. . . she said she would take care of things. I also emailed my normal OS's secretary and asked to have his PA call me back. When I spoke with her she concurred that doing the injections under xray was completely normal but they would first try the blind (no guidance) injection followed by the ultrasound guided and if they were unsuccessful they would do the Xray guided. I asked her which would provide the most visualization of the joint and any weird anatomy she sad that under Xray more could possibly be seen during the injection.

Today after not hearing back from the the "NEW" OS for a week I tried again and was told the doc and the PA had spoken and the PA had told the scheduler that everything was taken care of... and yet I have heard from NO ONE. I almost feel like NO ONE cares! I think the injections which they are offering are a band aide and will not fix the problem and when just walking irritates it then there is nothing I can do to prevent this from continuing to happen!!!

Today I was researching Illiopsoas stretches for another THR patient who is having issues and I came across this article which I think totally explains what is wrong with my hip.
If I ever get in to see this guy again I am going to take this with me !!!!

Supposedly bone cement can be seen on Xray but to this point my Xrays look good and no one understands what is causing the issue. Interestingly in this article there were 2 patients who had the same symptoms as those who had cement rubbing but these 2 had no cement but had a fibrous growth on the muscle and once it was removed the pain went away.
I am hopeful that someday soon I will get them to listen to me!!!!
I know my body and I know that there is SOMETHING STILL WRONG WITH MY HIP!

In the meantime I found some good stretches for the Illiopsoas.
I am currently doing this first one and it helps but it also hurts. Don't let the pain stop you from continuing to move.

Here is a video of a seated psoas stretch

Here is a video of the massage style my physical therapist uses to release the psoas.

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