Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Seriously can't we all just get along?

I am getting so sick of all the finger pointing and blame that is flying around these days. Yes the government has taken leave of their senses. Yes all the government operated places have been closed and people are out of work but blame will not solve this situation.

Sadly the people who made the decision to shut down the government are not the ones being affected on a daily basis by their ridiculous decision. The ones who are suffering are people who live paycheck to paycheck working for the government! Senators and Congressmen and the President are NOT suffering. They may be sitting in the hallowed halls arguing and wading in bullshit but they are still NOT suffering.

This constant bickering has had an overflow effect on social media and people are fighting to prove their position. Positions which in reality may be based on inaccurate information and filled with errors but to the person pressing their point it is "the truth" and they KNOW they are right. (Because the talking heads told them what was right).

Historically governments have fallen apart after being run the same way for 200 years. We are now at the 237th year of this experiment called Democracy. Who says that it is the end all be all to running governments. As we can attest this month it is failing in a spectacular way. Chaos and fear are all that is needed to topple a government.

What is with the obsession to be right. Why do we as humans feel the need to be constantly right? Why can't we accept that we each may have portions of "the truth" but none of us has the whole "TRUTH".  This thought leads me over to religious organizations who teach their followers to believe unquestioningly that they (the religious leaders/spiritual advisers) are the only ones who KNOW what GOD wants and they are here to guide each and every one into the promised land.  When in reality there is no way to know which religious construct is the correct one. Or if one really exists!

Are we as humans making it all up? In our effort to feel we are not alone?

The interesting thing is every place you go to on earth has a story of a deity or multiple who are being worshiped. Each one has a story to explain how the earth began and many are similar even though there was no contact between peoples in the ancient times.

What if as the world began multiple sparks from the "Big Bang" set out with programmed information and each spark landed on a human as a virus and entered their brain and caused them each to have high fevers and hallucinations. Out of these fever dreams we ended up with people in each corner of the earth believing in "other" and naming it a "god". 

I believe there are many things that we do not know in this world. I am on a journey of discovery and each and everything I learn or experience helps me on my path. To where I don't know but I don't want it to be the Elysian fields or the pits of hell both are way to limiting!

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