Sunday, July 22, 2012

Maybe I should listen to the Universe

It is becoming fairly obvious to me this year that the universe is trying to tell me something. Every time I start to get going and am feeling fairly good something puts a "hitch in my get a-long". Today was not any different. 

I was helping my son move a queen size bed to his apartment and we had just taken the frame out of the back of my van and he was walking it into the building, while I turned around to start unhooking the ratchet straps. When suddenly my left ankle twisted to the side and I heard a snap and I stumbled to the ground. Of course my all purpose word flew out of my yap (actually several times) as I lay on the sidewalk. 

I got up and assisted in getting the mattress and box springs off the roof of my van and up the stairs but the more I tried to walk the more it hurt and having heard the snap I decided the prudent thing would be to get an x-ray. So we headed off to the Emergency Department. Where we spent the next 3 hours UGH. And yes it is technically a broken Ankle... not of the bone itself but the ligament has pulled off the bone. 

So now I am in an air cast and need to get in to see an Orthopedic Surgeon this week. What a coincidence that Andy already has an appointment with his Foot and Ankle specialist on Tuesday in Columbus, and I was planning on going along any way. Now to see if they will put me on the schedule also. Luckily I have been to see this guy once before myself so it is not a new patient consult. 

REGARDLESS I am back on crutches and I am moving slowly again. Awake and unable to get comfortable so that I can sleep.

This is the 4th thing that has happened this year that has slowed me down. January was my hip surgery with 8 weeks off work for recovery. I was feeling fairly good and then in April was hit by a softball in a batting cage and apparently cracked my pinkie which fully broke 4 days later when I got it caught on my steering wheel. 

In June I spent the first week of the month working around the house climbing ladders painting etc. and ended up causing a flare up of my hip joint which filled up with fluid. Now 7 weeks later my hip has finally started to feel better and whamo I screw up my ankle. 

There is a message here.... 

So maybe my life is due for a course correction? I have a tendency to let fear rule my decisions and while I know that there is a purpose to all of this I get fearful that I won't be able to pay the bills if I can't work. This is no small problem it is all encompassing and terrifying. I know that with this hip problem I can't continue in my present job forever. And yet I can't come up with any other solution. My line of work is specialized and going back to work at a hospital is not much of an option. 

While I know that I need to make a plan of action I am stymied and don't know where to turn. For a while I was thinking that I should look into the chaplain training at the local hospital, but since that is strictly a Seventh Day Adventist hospital and I have left the SDA church I do not want to have to be forced into a strictly SDA style of chaplaincy. I believe that every one has a piece of the "truth" and no one race or religion holds all the pieces. And I think everyone should be accorded a modicum of respect for their beliefs. 

So where to  turn ? I have been working on staying in touch with my inner peace and find while I swim that I am most connected and I find myself repeating the lines to the hymn "When Peace Like a River attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll. What ever my lot thou hast taught me to say it is well, it is well with my soul." This has become a sort of mantra that I repeat as I work my way up and down the lane of the pool. It sounds strange I know but it makes me feel calm and focused on the moment. 

So now grasping those words I have to say ... what's next universe?

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