Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Good Morning, NOT

Once again I am awake in the middle of the night...this is a fairly consistent pattern for me. Got to sleep at a relatively decent time (midnight) and was awake at 2:30 with my hip and shoulder feeling like hell. UGH I almost wish I could swim at this hour since swimming helps both the hip and the shoulder. Unfortunately it is the inaction of sleep combined with the mere fact of laying on either one that causes pain. I read somewhere recently that it is because inactivity reduces blood flow to the joints so there is more pain, I am not sure if that is 100% true but I have to agree that not moving makes it hurt worse. Now I am hoping that the Tylenol will kick in quickly and I will be able to get a couple more hours of sleep.

So as established I am awake and just hanging out on the internet checking FB etc. and I heard a what sounded like a gun shot! So now I am going to have to listen to the news in the morning and see if something happened here in Kettering. Interestingly I did not hear any accompanying sirens so what ever it was did not alert the KPD. I hope what ever I heard was NOT life threatening to anyone! Of course with all the power problems it may have been a transformer blowing but that is generally MUCH louder.

Thankfully the heat wave has broken! We are having the hottest season on record since 1895. And of course my AC can't keep up with 100+ temps. My house has been 84F every day. . . which is much better than 100+. . . but is still too warm. My poor dog Blaze who is a solid black is dying in the heat.
Today is the first time in ages that it was cool enough to take the dogs out for a walk. It was lovely but took forever because they had to stop at every smell along their route to see who had left them a sample. Tonight I even have the windows open and am actually feeling a bit chilled.

The grass in the state looks like it normally does at the end of August! YUCK! Dry and brown and awful. Even the poor trees are so dry that the leaves are falling off. I much prefer it to be green and lush. But seeing as there has been NO rain in ages we have no hope of returning to the greenness of early spring. I can't even find a chart of how far below normal our precipitation level is at this time. The last number I heard was 8 inches below normal. Which is not good! We need to have a rain dance soon!

Ah well I am off to attempt to get some sleep~

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