Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pity party

I am having a pity party day, the weather is crapy and my left hip is hurting. I stayed in my pj's until 4PM and spent the day getting caught up on my recorded episodes of NCIS and NCIS Los Angeles.
I am working on knitting my 7th pair of socks and I got a lot done while watching the recordings. I really love the Alpaca wool that I bought from my shrink, she has an Alpaca farm that is called Alpacas of Moonlight Hollow...and they produce the best wool. So far I have made 3 pairs for me, a pair for doc, and a pair for my good friends Nita and Angie.

The reason for the pity party is this;
I have been doing very well on my recovery until yesterday when I was doing my exercises. I was attempting to stand on my surgical leg (left) and balance for  30 seconds, unfortunately when I was trying that my hip slipped.  It happened again today, I was just standing in the kitchen and used my right leg to push a bowl over to one of the dogs and my left hip slipped out of place again.

So today I am having a pity party...well since I am lying in bed with the critters it is not much of a party!
I have a cat one my left side, a cat in my lap and a dog on my right. I am in the midst of hot and cold therapy treatments,and I am hoping that will help and I will be back to where I was on Thursday. Well enough abput me!

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