Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Status Update: SNAFU

I lost my job on 4/1/13 not because I am a bad employee not because I wanted to leave but because I am physically no longer able to continue working in that field. The boss and the company would have liked for me to be able to return but it was just not in the cards. 

I have been living off of my last 2 pay checks, neither of which were the full amount that I had normally received. I have paid no utilities, mortgage, credit card or medical bills. Since losing my job I have only paid 3 bills. . . COBRA insurance for a month. . . my first car payment and my car insurance. So I am waiting for everything to be shut off ... my internet and cable will be disconnected on May 21st. And I am sure everything else will soon follow.  I can live with out TV and Internet (Panera here I come), I can even survive with out electricity but the idea of living without water or hot shower kills me.

Every day I am getting inundated by calls wanting me to pay up or make arrangements to payThese people on the telephone do not understand that I have NO MONEY COMING IN. I keep explaining that I have nothing coming in and I cannot make payment arrangements because I have no idea when I will have money coming in.They called all weekend and finally quit calling around 8 last night and began again at 8 this morning. It is so frustrating. I know I owe them money and I want to work I can't find any thing that I can do within my limitations.

I know that I cannot return to my prior career and it makes me sad. I woke up one day a week ago and almost called and begged to come back to work. But before picking up the phone I did a mental pro/con list and the con's out weigh the benefits of returning to that career. Spending 3-10 hours a day driving and then hauling in 25-50lbs of equipment into each hospital is much too difficult to do with my bad hip.

I thought that I would have gotten unemployment by this time but they rejected my application, they say I am "physically unable to work" even though the doctor filled out the form and stated that I could work within my limitations in a different career. Apparently all they saw was the limitations. I am eligible to apply, but at this point they will most likely deny me again.

I also applied for long term disability but have not gotten any response yet. I called the other day to find out if there is anything that I need to do at this point but they were just waiting for Ohio State to send them copies of my medical records. They did say that they will be making a determination by June 7th.

I have money sitting in my 401K but I have to wait 45 days from when New York Life is notified that I am no longer employed to access my money.

I have applied for numerous jobs that I could do, all of which are not things that I have ever done before, but I am sure I could handle them easily. Sadly I keep getting told that my skill set is not compatible with their needs. I love libraries and I know that I could sort and file books, or check people out at the circulation desk. I filled out a general application for the Washington Centerville library and got a lovely rejection letter in the mail. At least they responded, Kaplan University, Robert Half and Kelly Services all replied by email, but of the other 15 or 20 applications I have put in I have gotten no responses.

This is where I think that online applications are not working for those who like me who are looking for work but can no long work in the profession where they were trained. There is something missing when you are not meeting someone face to face and basing the decision for an interview solely on a resume received online. I went to the Job Center to chat with a job counselor and she was very sweet but was focused on getting me back to work as a Biomed and wanted to help me find Biomed jobs.

I had an interview on Wednesday for volunteer position at the hospital which is only 5 minutes away from home. The lady who was interviewing me and I hit it off right away and I walked out the door with my orientation information and schedule and knowing that as soon as I was done with orientation I would start working the reception desk in the Physician Office Building.

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