Saturday, March 2, 2013

Living life one day at a time.

Hello again, 
it seems as though I have dropped off the face of the earth but really I am still here. . . not much has changed since my last post I am still rehabbing my hip and I have started swimming every day and doing exercises both walking in the water and using water weights. I really feel good when I am exercising in the water; and then I get out and wobble away on land. I am now up to swimming freestyle (crawl stroke) for 40 minutes at a stretch with brief pauses to catch my breath at the 6-7 minute marks. I usually count 10 breaths and then go again. I am now averaging 3 laps every 5 minutes and this equals 1200 yards each day.

I am also walking the dogs around the block on nice days;which are few and far between.

I had hoped to be able to go back to work on Monday 3/4/13 but it turns out that since I am not actually 100% my orthopedic surgeon's office is not going to release me to go back. I wanted to come back after 12 weeks because that would leave me a cushion of 4 weeks just in case something else happened this year. Instead the OS wants my hip to be in a better position  before they allow me to return to work. I am relieved and frustrated at the same time. 
I am frustrated because I know how much work I have to do in March and now I am going to be worrying about it all getting taken care of; but at the same time I am relieved because I KNOW that my hip is not ready to sit in the van for long drives. I cannot sit in a chair that is a 90 degree angle for more than 1/2 an hour without swelling occurring. I am still having a lot of swelling which has my PA confused. Most people do not have this kind of swelling 12 weeks after their THR. 

I am concerned that the PVNS component is the reason for the swelling. Initially I thought that it was due to having to cut through the lymphatic system for surgery and maybe that was the problem; but I am in contact with many other young people who have had THR and NONE are having swelling after the first couple of weeks. I purchased a compression garment at Sears to help control the swelling and they help a lot but are really hot (temperature wise not looks). Diet Trim Slack Companion : Sears
I am going to order something different today from Amazon to help relieve the groin pain I am having every day and hopefully it will help with the swelling. Yesterday after driving 3 hours to and from the doctor's appointment my left thigh was 2.5 inches larger than my right one. Here is a link to the one I plan buying; actually I stopped writing and placed the order. At least with this I will be a bit cooler. Especially if I have to wear something all summer. Caio~

Cramer E6 Groin Hip Spica

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