Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wake up and start writing

I love to read the Psychology Today blogs and there are 2 authors on the site that have me hooked. Pamela Madsen is an Infertility expert who was married for 23 years and one day decided to begin a journey to discover her own hidden desires. She ended up writing a book about the experience, Shameless How I Ditched the Diet, got naked, found true pleasure, and somehow got home in time to cook dinner. . I really enjoyed her story and have really gotten a kick out of following her blog Shameless Woman Her passion has now morphed into a web community called Shameless Community. 
Feel free to step outside of your comfort zone and check out her work. She is worth the read.

The other blog that I read is Snow White Doesn't Live Here Anymore by  Gina Barreca, Ph.D. She is an English Professor at the University of Connecticut. She is also a published author and I need to check out her book as it sounds wonderful It's Not That I'm Bitter: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Visible Panty Lines and Conquered the World. I need to add this to my library list. I don't read her work on a daily basis but it amuses me to catch up on occasion and see what she has written lately. Tonight I read a post called "How to tell if You're A Real Author". As someone who thinks being a published author would be the life, I am quite taken with any thing that will lead me in the right direction. To simplify her advice write and get published~ sounds simple. Those who write and get published are real authors. The rest are just scribblers. 

Well at present I am a scribbler. I have nothing published, at least not that I am aware of. . . although one of my English professors at Antioch wanted a copy of my paper once to use as instruction for other students. I am not entirely sure what she did with it. Regardless it takes the dedication of a determined person with a story to tell to become an author. I would need to take the time to sit and write on a regular basis to even come close to being able to reach that level. 

I admire people who seem to brim with stories, as someone who was not allowed to read any fiction as a child I am drawn to the genre now and can't get enough. This is part of the reason I don't write often...I am absorbed in the lives of the characters that someone else has dreamed up. I find that pausing my mind during the day is difficult as there are just too many things clamoring for my attention. Or maybe I am more easily distracted, whatever the case it is when the sky is dark and I should be sleeping that I am finding it is easiest to put my thoughts down. 

Lately I have had many hours awake when I would normally be sleeping. I am not sure if the pain in my hip is something new (other than the fluid that they saw on my MRI on the 12th ) or is the PVNS doing some other strange thing to my hip (even though they said the MRI showed now recurrence). All I know is I can't sleep because I am hurting. I wish I could say it was only my hip but everything hurts both hips, the left is definitely worse, both shoulders, the right is worse and my hands... ugh both hands are painful after grasping the steering wheel all day. I am going to make an appointment with a Rheumatologist, I think that I need to find out if I have Rheumatoid Arthritis along with the PVNS. That might account for the systemic pain. I am back to taking Tylenol 3 for pain control especially at night and trying to stick with regular Tylenol during the day. I find that as long as I stay active during the day I don't hurt as bad..that is until I am forced (by a long drive or the need to sleep) to be still...then the pain intensifies and I wake up miserable and occasionally in tears (it sucks to wake up crying). 

Well enough wa wa wa at the moment...time to get some sleep! May each one of you have a peaceful rest tonight.

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