Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Practicing what we preach is Easier said than done

It is difficult to do what we tell others especially if something is hurting and making the decision to practice what we preach will cause more pain. 

I am specifically speaking about my insistence that if it hurts to move we should move any way. I have fussed at my mom, my sister and my grandma for years telling them that sitting all day is part of the reason that they are hurting and they "need to move". However I am finding that since my visit to the Dr. last week and having had the MRI that confirms the fluid in my hip joint I have been following the conventional advice of resting and taking Ibuprofen along with alternating ice and heat. Unfortunately it has proven to me yet again that by not moving I am making things worse and I must keep going. I could hardly walk around the 2 blocks near my house after having a restful day. Enough already tomorrow I am going to make a concerted effort to stay active all day. It is much much easier to do when I have a busy work day. 

Today was a bit slow and I ended up spending the afternoon knitting. Yep call me an old lady but I love to knit and I am currently working on a really cool sweater for my oldest niece Becca who is going back to Washington DC in a couple of weeks and I am trying to get it finished before she leaves for school. This is only the second project I have ever done following a pattern so it was very intimidating at first but has gotten fairly repetitive as I have gone along. Last fall I was on a sock kick and made 8 or 9 pairs of socks and gave them to friends by the end of the 9th pair I was really sick of making socks! I love how they turned out they are made from Alpaca wool and are warm and fuzzy which is perfect for a winter night. 

While I knit I catch up on shows that I have recorded today was a RuPaul Drag U afternoon. For those who have never seen the show he can seem frivolous but it is interesting to see the words of wisdom and the wonderful advice that his "professors" give to the women who come on the show. I don't know if any of them have any training in Psychology but most of the advice they give is sound and well thought out. 

Here's hoping your day is blessed and peace abounds in your life!

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