Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It is a good thing I sleep with my animals

Ok, I know that this sounds really crazy but it is a good thing I am alone and don't share my bed with any other human! I really don't understand how people sleep side by side. My oldest son can't sleep unless his girlfriend is right next to him. This cracks me up, but works for her because she sleeps better with him beside her. They are so darn cute together! 
I am rarely, no make that never alone, since I have 4 cats and one dog that rotate in and out of bed with me. Only one of my animals does not make any effort to get in to bed and I think he came from a house where he was punished for getting on the bed. The one time I tried to get him on the bed he completely wigged out. 

But I digress...I do have a point. I am in more pain at night than I am during the day when I am moving and my joints are not getting stiff. This pain is the reason that I am such a poor sleeper and toss and turn so much at night. I also moan and groan in my sleep which wakes up the animals who then get in my face and yowell until I am awake and wondering why I am not sleeping. 

Today I was busy all day and skipped lunch so that when I finally got dinner at 6PM I was very hungry. I had a lovely Fried Chicken salad and an Amber Bock beer and came straight home. Unfortunately I was not feeling well when I got home. The best way to describe it was the way I used to feel after eating a high carb breakfast and then going into a carb loaded coma. I came home put on my pj's and went straight to bed...mind you it was 7PM. I know that the salad was not loaded with carbs other than the breading on the chicken and the crouton's. So it must have been the effects of the beer. 

I thought a drink would help with the pain today....I have been trying to get through the day with out meds and hadn't taken any since about 4 AM. However this is stupid since I went to the gym and swam in the morning, worked in my home office until 2PM then went to a local surgery center to work for 2 hours, then came home and walked the dogs. 

Maybe I just over did it? It is so hard to tell what is too much. I was actually feeling fairly good most of the day and was busy enough that the pain was not too bad. Lesson learned I am going to have to stick to tea and take my pain meds.

Back to the reason it is good to be alone. Pain at night = restlessness = lack of sleep = a partner wanting to kill me so it is good to sleep alone. Besides it is my damn bed! Ha! 

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