Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hello Again

It has been ages since I have had a chance to sit down and scribble (old school terminology). After my last post when I was feeling very zen and peaceful Life jumped back into being it's chaotic self. And my stress level is up and my time in the pool was limited. Missing my swims is definitely a problem as I find the time in the water centers me and keeps me feeling more zen. 

I am very much a stress eater and I find the more hectic life gets the more I want chocolate. So the last few weeks I have gone back to being self destructive and chowing on chocolate. Today I stopped at the mall and got my favorite "Double Doozie" Chocolate Chip cookie. For those who do not have the Cookie Company near by it is a cookie sandwich with icing between two cookies. YUM. One can put you into an insulin coma but I had 2 of the darn things. The lady at the counter made the stellar offer of buy 3 get one free and since I was with my friend Judy it sounded like a great deal. Unfortunately I did not make it home with my 2nd one ... yep got stuck in traffic and broke open the bag and ate it!

So the chaos in my world was precipitated by having a dog who is terrified of thunderstorms and who has lately taken to eating the drywall when upset. Unfortunately, I was not even in the state when he caused the most damage. He was home alone during a storm and I was working in IN and my younger son who was living with me was at work. He came home to find that Blaze, the culprit, had bitten a hole in the toilet tank hose and had caused a flood. On top of that he had bitten holes in the closet door and had chewed a corner of the drywall. A friend suggested that I call the insurance company and I am very grateful for his suggestion because as a result of the flood I ended up with new flooring. Thank you Allstate it pays to keep paying your premiums! 

On top of the flood there was drywall damage and when I started to tear out the wall (I did the drywall repair myself). I discovered that there was mold inside the walls. YUCK. 

So after almost 6 weeks the chaos is over I am sitting in my new office...younger son moved into an Apartment and I now have a lovely room which I painted a pale yellow with green curtains a new ceiling fan and a lovely rug with palm trees... a very zen room. And I made it to the gym this morning. 

I am going today to see the Orthopaedic Oncologist in Columbus, we shall see what he has to say about the PVNS. Everyone that I am finding who has this disease as well has been getting a 6 month follow up MRI. However he did not order one so we shall see what he says the next step in managing this disease is and where we are going from here. Most days I feel good but lately I am having a LOT of swelling clicking and pain. It may be related to all the ladder climbing and home repairs that I have been doing but I am limping quite a bit lately. We shall see. Thinking positive thoughts!
Night all going back to bed!
The den with new carpet!!

The dining room /living room area  with no furniture in the living room.  Blaze the black boarder collie is the one who caused the damage. 

MY new office!

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