Tuesday, June 11, 2013

PVNS and GCT-TS Research Study

I received this email on May 30, 2013

Dear Sheila,

I am contacting you about an important PVNS and GCT-TS study that may advance research! PVNS and GCT-TS tumors are rare and input from participants with these tumors is very important. 

We are conducting this interview study so that we can learn from you and better understand the symptoms of PVNS or GCT-TS and the impact that these symptoms may have on your life. 

You may be eligible to participate in the study if;
·         You are 18 years of age and older
·         You are able to read and speak English
·         You have or had a PVNS or GCT-TS tumor and this can be clinically confirmed by your physician

The study involves an interview lasting about 60-90 minutes, no treatments are given as part of this study. If you are eligible and participate in this study you will receive $100 for your time.

If you would like more information about the study, please call 866-766-2344 and ask for Kelly McQuarrie or Adam Weinberger.

Please feel free to share this invitation with others that you may know who have PVNS or GCT-TS who may be interested in participating in the study.

Thank you for considering this important research study!

Adam Weinberger
Research Assistant
Outcomes Research
United BioSource Corporation
7101 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: +1 240 235 2502 ext. 62502
Cell: +1 301 219 8683
Fax:  +1 301 654 9864

At last an answer

Finally I can stop worrying! I got an email on Sunday with the answer to my LTD application. I have been approved!
Yeah~ In the letter they specifically state that they want to assist me in getting back to work and totally forsee me being able to do so. That is fantastic. I am not able to ever go back to what I did previously so it is time to go back to school!

I need to get in touch with my LTD claim manager and discuss education options and see what he says. I was thinking about a career change and getting a M. Ed. for Middle school but that may not be the right direction. I will know more after I chat with my guy. In the mean time my application is filled out and submitted to Antioch Midwest and I need to send in my essay and resume to complete the application process. Completion depends on what I learn from my guy at LTD.

I am very excited about this and mentioned it on Facebook to people in the 2 groups that I am in as well as to my friends and family. I am really frustrated by the responses that I am getting from some of the people in the groups! Many people are supportive but there are a few who's response has made me very sad. Yes it is possible to have a teaching job that is physically demanding. I fully expect teaching small fries to be tough. Special Education would be hard for me to do physically as well. High school students are just evil and I want nothing to do with them. I am thinking about middle school because my 6th grade teacher sucked so badly that I want to go back to be a Great Middle school teacher. Of course I need to revamp my language since I can't say F^@& every other word!

I am 47 and I have no desire to live the rest of my life on disablity but it is almost like they are trying to get me to give up and coast the remainder of my days. NO thanks~ I fully expect to live past 70 and to be active the entire time.

I like working I like to get out of the house and do something. I just can not immagine living another 30+ years being at home every day!
Yes I have health problems but why does that mean my life is over and I should become a LTD lifer?